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Thanks to Will Whim, who insists my entish name is as follows:

baí dana nabi kupeú dunulta ko nunro keü taku laruädir nerde teda paám geí lolnako lolnako tedoma kannolna kannolna kannolna ladamdum bakom maga labam petandor repeë lamtanem naé buë bada raka lannamúr nerkunpe rarma dagur peno benam benam benam mimapoë bembalba bala gana mama ringeë mapem ninmena tegena mara repoma repoma muku nama nepara daë kalbo tenradal tenradal bumgaï koäpan doä dalá dana tagamu gegaé paga nadi kinala baba baba lamér banan para tellenmir nelar nanaún raliä nedun rambuburen katel rinulne tië tië dapan tamtada tamtada barulul barulul lubam nana tigi tigi talkukom talkukom dabampa kebuá beö beö petan peä peä bagenu emapa pulerpera mobo tunuben tunuben ke mererre nakeë detabi poä lum tetaka ba purme ronrelu bangi bondorme pegaka kumé turuma baë dada raë nalu gageral gateba rebo etebel rarur toma ki karumrim garta dener rerde rerde nodu gaë lampa dulu pidaki runeë natin peá kukama nalgar nalartu dumarom gaé gaé ralna natara mada dunué dunué bunbopu noruë matul rimi danpu putaá lerluë dunka pebapum rumen korleë baginmu tanduna emu gabu gabu dena pugir katiror kuba donal megelu megelu duë tindega bargir meli gagolo remé lemidom paramor nakunur kekagi doda nemrar leú garnabu derda taö ri pudatil gemaë baór paë lorpu karada nuta neë neba nenu enibu nunlega mepandal keë pomomlan kinna kinna kinna peü pi rolmeka putaga dammiá lunbuä ebeë rué bika maë nerloda mirdebaï mirdebaï durulu moë kapa lanbe ba noë dala rangepal nogolal mataé bageti lurpa gagamta gagamta gutalen gidebu guldeku mudomta mudomta kulna balru rubabem dabuä dabuä nalrana igaé menul uka gula nenoë kibu reba memdarulal leë nakapim linke pimammu natu rarbebar paë nemo nelta panu membir mimtepeë bagul daá gaál kito kikaá dagarde bukalgu mamtama tepen bunoner latama latama genli lubi rarnuë bolnaku banetir kaloá pilma lemtu daïbi pumkumba etuë bupa udeë golu pineë pineë ateäka tanpadu raë ruë taöki genmom kammu geparo natapo gago ta mugane mugane ker pi pi pupi liëken liëken liëken nara remaä dalago ma kunalma bebu lirpu lirpu ata luë danumpi nalka

My cousins are all known as danumpi nalka as well.

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Randall Bohn lives in Orem, Utah, USA. He works as a Software Quality Engineer. He is a big fan of the AVR line of microcontrollers. He has been in the computer industry since 1989. Randall is married and has three children.

rsbohn can be reached via

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March 2025
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Arduino Starter Kit
MAKE Blog How-to Tuesday posted a challenge: Optimize the sketch code for a pressure sensor bar graph. Here is my second attempt: int gate[] = {10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 32767}; void setup() {DDRB = 0b00111110;} void loop() { int dval = 0; int rval = analogRead(2); for (int x = 0; rval...
12/3/08, 5:42 AM
Measuring Supply Voltage
I'm running my latest handheld computer on solar power. It starts up when the sun rises and runs all day. I started wondering how I could measure the voltage coming in from the solar panel. I came up with a way to use a diode and a resistor and the...
7/29/08, 9:53 AM
Ten Pin ISP adapter
I've already built a six pin ISP adapter, but my Olmex cards use the ten pin ISP. I put a header on a scrap of perf board, added an LED for the heartbeat, and then connected the ten pin cable. Actually it is a fifteen pin cable, off a joystick...
7/16/08, 10:00 PM
Hello 5x7 Style
Wrote a new firmware for the 5x7 display. Now it scrolls out 'hello' over and over again. I'm running it on a solar panel, so it wakes up with the sun and runs all day long. When I built the LED matrix I put resistors on the five columns. I'm starting...
6/17/08, 12:48 PM
Provo, Utah
With a walkable downtown and access to two Universities, Provo Utah is a great location. I live next door in Orem. Kipplinger: Provo: Pristine Tech Mecca (Video) (Text)
6/2/08, 10:07 AM
Another release of AVRISP sketch
There is a new release of the AVRISP emulation sketch for Arduino: This one should work with Mega8 and Mega168. mega-isp
5/28/08, 4:48 PM
Sorting Out Page Sizes
There is a new release of AVRISP Emulation for Arduino. This is an Arduino firmware that allows you to program other AVR microcontrollers. The new zip file ( should compile on the current Arduino IDE, and I changed the comments that put the wrong labels on the SPI pins. Go ahead...
5/27/08, 11:31 AM
Flash Problems
I'm building a project using the AVR ATMega8 microcontroller. Once I got the thing wired up to where I could write firmware to it I found that it was always failing. I made a .hex file full of 0x10 values (256 bytes worth) and tried uploading that to the chip....
5/16/08, 2:56 PM
William's Arduino Board
I'm building an Arduino-compatible board for William. I'm building it on the Evil Mad Scientist MegaXX8 business card. It will have four built-in LEDs and a USB interface. It will also have connectors so he can use it with a breadboard. Perhaps we can connect it to some of his...
5/15/08, 7:26 AM
Cybord Signal Detector
Some digital radio signals use Frequency Shift Keying (FSK). This often has one frequency for a Mark and one for a Space. I plan to build a cybord or other chip that will decode an FSK signal, producing three different values: NO_SIGNAL, MARK, and SPACE. The signals would then go...
5/15/08, 7:20 AM


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